
How to build eMMC flash programmer MPRG7x30.hex and 7x30_msimage.mbn?

How to build eMMC flash programmer MPRGXXXX.hex and msimage.mbn?

1. Please check if the SConscript is provided in "modem_proc/core p/tools/emmcbld/bulid". If not, you cannot build it with this release.
2. set build environment by executing RVCTXX.bat in build/ms folder
3. go to "modem_proc/core/bsp/build"
4. execute "build emmcbld BUILD_ID=xxxxxxxx"
5. The generated image is located in modem_proc/build/ms/bin/EMMCBLD/
6. MPRGXXXX.hex is eMMC programmer used to communicate with QPST to download msimage.mbn into eMMC.
7. msimage.mbn is used to enumerate the device as a USB mass storage device for all the image updates.
Please refer to modem_proc/core/bsp/tools/emmcbld/bulid/SConscript for how emmcbld and msimage are built and generated.

Using command line to creat 7x30_msimage.mbn

The eMMC Software Download Tool can also be used in Command Line mode for factory  automation and creating boot images.
First find the location of your QPST install, normally under C:\Program Files(x86)\Qualcomm\ 5 QPST\bin, that contains your emmcswdownload.exe file. You can either map this location to your 6 path or refer to it directly from the cmd window.
The following command line options are supported for emmcswdownload.exe:

-f <filename> : direct output to <filename> instead of selected device
-s <size enum> : mass storage device size = { “1G”, “2G”, “4G”, etc }
-g <size enum> : write protect group size = { “4M”, “8M”, “16M”, etc }
-x <filename> : partition description file
-p <directory> : search path = path1;path2;…. Etc
-L <filename> : list all connected mass storage drives to <filename>
-i <filename> : image file to write to mass storage device
-w <drive> : mass storage drive to write image file to

In this command line:
 –s and –g options are required, even if no sections are marked as read only
 –s size is only used to set the size of the last partition; it does not affect the size of the output image
 –g is the write-protect size for partitions marked as read only; if there are multiple read-only partitions, only the first and last partitions will be aligned on a protect size boundary
 –L only dumps to the output file, not to stdout

emmcswdownload -f \tmp\7x30_msimage.mbn -x E:\emmc\partition_boot.xml -s 1G -g 64M -p E:\emmc\;