
Display graphic bitmap data with JTAG Trace32.

Command syntax
Data.IMAGE <address> <horiz> <vert> [/<format> | <options>]
    <format>:       MONO, CGA, GrayScale8, JPEG
                         Palette256 <red> <green> <blue> …
                         Palette256X6 <address>
                         Palette256X12 <address>
                         Palette256X24 <address>
                         RGB111, RGB555, RGB555LE, RGB565, RGB565LE,
                         RGB888, RGB888LE, RGBX888, RGBX888LE,
                         YUV420, YUV422, YUV422P, YUV422PS, YUV422W, YUV422WS
    <options>:     BottomUp
Example commands to display buffers :
Data.IMAGE C:0x40a4b0bc 320. 240. /YUV420
Data.IMAGE a:0x60000000 1920. 1080. /STRIDE 0x4000 /GS8
Data.IMAGE a:0x68001000 960. 540. /STRIDE 0x8000 /RGB565


androidscreencast - Desktop app to control an android device remotely

Control an Android device remotely

androidscreencast is a free and simple to use desktop app for controlling an Android device remotely using a mouse and keyboard. 

androidscreencast has been developed using Java and it should work on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux with any Android device. 
Connect your Android device through USB cable and ensure it's detected with "adb devices". Run androidscreencast. You can launch it by typing "javaws <jnlp file>" from a command line.

If mouse/keyboard control doesn't work, open a command line and type :
  • adb shell
  • su
  • chmod 777 /data/dalvik-cache
  • cd /data/dalvik-cache
  • chmod 777 ./

Here are some key features of "androidscreencast":

・ Mouse and keyboard control FOR ROOTED DEVICES ONLY
・ Landscape mode (right click)
・ Video recording
・ Basic file browser

Android SDK
 Java 1.5 or later

・ Slow refresh rate (about 4-5 fps)
・ Not all keycodes are mapped.

Command-line access

Get a local copy of the androidscreencast repository with this command:
git clone https://code.google.com/p/androidscreencast/

Android Board Bring-up

Boot Architecture on MSM™

ARM9™/AMSS boot
On-chip PBL
Configures initial hardware config
(TLMM GPIO Configuration)
Configures modem's
multiprocessor subsystem
Modem automatically connects to 3G network
Application processor/Linux boot
Android Bootloader
In /bootable/bootloader/legacy
Linux OS image
Mounts system and user file system
Starts up Android components via system/core/rootdir, starts up initial Dalvik process

Boot Architecture on MSM (cont.)

When power is applied to MSM, mARM executes the Primary Boot Loader (PBL) from on-chip ROM
PBL loads Qualcomm Secondary Boot Loader (QCSBL) into memory and transitions to secondary boot stage
System fully boots after QCSBL execution and enters operational software download mode
Modem image is loaded on mARM
Applications boot image, i.e., Android bootloader, is loaded into memory for aARM execution, which continues loading Android OS

Boot Architecture on QSD

ARM9™/AMSS boot
On-chip PBL
Configures initial hardware config
(TLMM GPIO Configuration)
Configures modem's
multiprocessor subsystem
Modem automatically connects
to 3G network
Application processor/Linux boot
Android Bootloader
In bootable/bootloader/legacy
Linux OS image
Mounts system and user file system
Starts up Android components via system/core/rootdir, starts up initial Dalvik process

Android Boot Architecture

Android Bootloader Configuration~

Android Boot Architecture

Android Bootloader

For MSM7xxx and QSD, modem processor plays master role and handles memory configuration and clock/voltage setting for entire system
Android bootloader entry point (in /android/bootable/bootloader/legacy/usbloader/main.c)
Initialize ARM11 clock speed from TCXO to 600 MHz
Create partition table and initialize basic peripherals, such as UART, keypad, panel, USB, and flash controller
Parse or generate ATAGs
Load kernel and hand over to kernel init code
Handle image download, if needed

Bootloader File Structure

Bootloader located in:
Bootloader libraries come from three categories:

Bootloader File Structure –Generic Category

Generic category contains code useful to any bootloader
Common bootloader libraries and base architectures
Generated library and object located at:

Bootloader File Structure –Architecture Category

Architecture category contains code useful to specific CPU, system-on-chip, etc.
Libraries and base architectures –Headers
bootable/bootloader/legacy/ arch_msm7k /*.*
Generated library and object file located at:

Bootloader File Structure –Board Category

Board category contains code useful to a single, specific device
Libraries and base architectures –Configuration
Generated library and object file located at:

Bootloader File Structure –Board Configuration

The BoardConfig.mk defines important build variables:
TARGET_BOOTLOADER_LIBS := \libboot_board_surf \libboot_arch_msm7k\libboot_arch_armv6
BOARD_KERNEL_CMDLINE := mem=203M console=ttyMSM2,115200n8 androidboot.hardware=qcom

Bootloader Configuration

The following primary files require modification for SURF boards:
vendor/qcom/msm7627_surf/boot/board.c –Defines flash partitions and atags, provides board-specific initialization
vendor/qcom/msm7627_surf/boot/panel.c –Panel driver for outputting console messages
vendor/qcom/msm7627_surf/boot/keypad.c –Keypad driver for hot-key controlling
arch_msm7k/android/nand.c –Flash driver for NAND devices
arch_msm7k/hsusb.c –USB driver for fast boot
arch_msm7k/clock.c –Clock driver for setting frequency of ARM11 and AHB
arch_msm7k/uart.c –Serial port driver
arch_msm7k/gpio.c –GPIO driver for bootloader
Note:For QSD, similar modifications would be made under the appropriate QSD architecture subdirectory.

Flash Layout –board.c

Flash partition table (unit –block); the partition in PTABLE must refer to allocation in /AMSS/products/7600/tools/headergen/partition.c
ptentry PTABLE[] = {
.start = 300,
.length = 40,
.name = "boot",
.start = 356,
.length = 512,
.name = "system"
.start = 868,
.length = 155 + 1024,
.name = "userdata",
.name = "",
Partition table
Android partitions
230 –233
(1 MB)
0:APPS +
0:FTL +
300 –339
(5 MB)
boot (kernel)
356 –867
(64 MB)
868 –2046
(147 MB)
user data

Command Line –board.c

Use Linux kernel command line (default kernel command line) or specify command line in BoardConfig.mk
const char *board_cmdline(void)
return "mem=201M console=ttyMSM2,115200n8";
Board machine type
unsigned board_machtype(void)
return 1439;
To register machine type, see [R1]

Keypad Configuration –keypad.c

Configure GPIO for keypad
static unsigned int halibut_row_gpios[] = { 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 41 };
static unsigned int halibut_col_gpios[] = { 36, 37, 38, 39, 40 };
Configure special key to stop booting Linux
The following example shows two different stop boot key mappings used by two different targets –SURF and FFA
static unsigned int halibut_key_map[] = {
[23] = BOOT_KEY_STOP_BOOT, /* FB on SURF */
[27] = BOOT_KEY_STOP_BOOT, /* 2 on FFA */
On SURF, pressing the [FB] key will stop booting Linux and the system will enter Fastboot mode; the FFA's special key is [2]

Keypad Configuration –keypad.c (cont.)

Register keypad information
static gpio_keypad_info halibut_keypad = {
.output_gpios = halibut_row_gpios,
.input_gpios = halibut_col_gpios,
.noutputs = ARRAY_SIZE(halibut_row_gpios),
.ninputs = ARRAY_SIZE(halibut_col_gpios),
.key_map = halibut_key_map,
.settle_time = 5000,
.polarity = 0,
.drive_inactive_outputs = 1

Panel Configuration –panel.c

The following interfaces are implemented for the Toshiba VGA panel on SURF:
panel_init( ) –Panel ID detection
panel_poweron( ) –Power-on panel
panel_backlight( ) –Control backlight of panel
The MDDI console is implemented to output messages

Bootloader Framebuffer

console_putc() calls drawglyph() to draw the character on LCD
drawglyph(pixels + cy * 12 * fb_width + cx * 6, FGCOLOR,fb_width, font5x12 + (c -32) * 2);
The font5x12[] is character pattern file
unsigned font5x12[] = {0x00000000, 0x00000000,0x08421080, 0x000200840x00052940, 0x00000000,0x15f52800, 0x0000295f,0x1c52f880, 0x00023e94,0x08855640, 0x0004d542,.......}

Bootloader Framebuffer (cont.)

Default resolution in bootloader is 800 (fb_width) x 480(fb_height)
Color format –565RGB
bit[0:4] –Blue
bit[5:10] –Green
bit[11:15] –Red
Example to splash RGB color on LCD
void splash_image(){
unsigned short *dst = mddi_framebuffer();
unsigned short color,rgb[3] = {0xf800, 0x07E0, 0x001f};
unsigned j,k;
for (j = 0; j < fb_height; j++) {
if ( !(j % (fb_height/3) ) )
color = rgb[ j/(fb_height/3) ];
for (k = 0; k < fb_width; k++ )
*dst++ = color;

UART Configuration –uart.c

uart_init() –Configure UART base address and init UART configuration, uart_init (n) , n = 0 (UART1), 1 (UART2), 2 (UART3)
In uart_init()uwr(UART_CSR_115200, UART_CSR); // to change baud rate
uart_getc() –Get input character from console
uart_putc() –Send output character to console
uart_put() –Send output string to console

USB Driver

Supports fastboot protocol to download image
Supports Fastboot mode
Protocol defined over USB
Used for flashing Android bootloader, system image, and file system
Mode normally triggered by special key sequence upon startup
Fastboot application
Source files –system/core/fastboot
Fastboot available on Linux, Mac OSX, and Windows versions; for information regarding how to build the fastboot application, refer to [Q3]
Flashes new Android code much faster than JTAG

Bootloader MSM7x27 Clock Configuration –clock.c

ARM11 core clock source is determined by A11S_CLK_CNTL (0xC0100100) CLK_SRC1_SEL[12:14] or CLK_SRC0_SEL[4:6] and A11S_CLK_SEL (0xC0100104) CLK_SEL_SRC1N0[0]
MSM7x27 pll speed of Dual mode frequency plan

Bootloader MSM7x27 Clock Configuration –clock.c (cont.)

arm11_clock_init() increases the ARM11 core speed from 19.2 MHz to 600 MHz
C = > A11S_CLK_CNTL, S => A11S_CLK_SEL
C,(CLK_SRC_TCXO << 12) | (DIV_1 << 8) | \
(CLK_SRC_TCXO << 4) | (DIV_1)),
S, ((DIV_4 << 1) | (CLK_SRC0)),
ARM11 : 19.2 MHz / 1 = 19.2 MHz
C, (CLK_SRC_TCXO << 12) | (DIV_1 << 8) | \
(CLK_SRC_PLL2 << 4) | (DIV_5)),
S, ((DIV_4 << 1) | (CLK_SRC1)),
ARM11 : 1200 MHz / 5 = 240 MHz
C, (CLK_SRC_PLL2 << 12) | (DIV_3 << 8) | \
(CLK_SRC_PLL2 << 4) | (DIV_5)),
S, ((DIV_4 << 1) | (CLK_SRC0)),
ARM11 : 1200 MHz / 3 = 400 MHz
C, (CLK_SRC_PLL2 << 12) | (DIV_3 << 8) | \
(CLK_SRC_PLL2 << 4) | (DIV_2)),
S, ((DIV_3 << 1) | (CLK_SRC1)),
ARM11 : 1200 MHz / 2 = 600 MHz

Bootloader QSD Clock Configuration –clock.c

Scorpion core clock source is determined by SPSS_CLK_SEL (0xAC100104) register [2:1]; reset clock source is AXI Bus Clock
arm11_clock_init() sets the Scorpion core clock source to 01: Unbuffered Snapdragon core processor PLL
val = readl(A11S_CLK_SEL);
val &= ~(0x3 << 1); // reset the clock source
val |= (1 << 1);//set clock source to SPLL
writel(val, A11S_CLK_SEL);
The formula for SPLL is CLOCK = TCXO * L * 2, and the value of L can be configured in PLL_FSM_CTL_EXT(0xA8800010)[8:3]
val = readl(SCPLL_CTLE);
val &= ~(0x3F << 3);
val |= (0x14 << 3); //Use 0x1A instead of 0x14 for 998 MHz
writel(val, SCPLL_CTLE); //19.2 MHz*20*2=768 MHz, 19.2 MHz*26*2=998 MHz

Android Images

Output folder is android/out/target/product/msm7627_surf
usbloader –Android bootloader; for compliance with MIBIB architecture, a header is needed
MSM7K –appsboot.mbn (usbloader) and appsboothd.mbn
QSD8K –appsboot.mbn (40 bytes header + usbloader)
boot.img –Image containing (boot header + Linux kernel + ramdisk/rootfs)
system.img –Image containing Android user space applications and libraries, including libc.

Android Images –Bootimage Header

struct boot_img_hdr {
unsigned char magic[BOOT_MAGIC_SIZE];
unsigned kernel_size; /* size in bytes */
unsigned kernel_addr; /* physical load addr 0x10008000 */
unsigned ramdisk_size; /* size in bytes */
unsigned ramdisk_addr; /* physical load addr 0x11000000 */
unsigned tags_addr; /* physical addr for kernel tags
0x10000100 */
unsigned page_size; /* flash page size we assume */
unsigned unused[2]; /* future expansion: should be 0 */
unsigned char cmdline[BOOT_ARGS_SIZE];
unsigned id[8]; /* timestamp / checksum / sha1 / etc */

Android Kernel Configuration~

Android Kernel Configuration

Kernel Boot Sequence

Kernel initializing procedure
zImage decompression
ARM architecture specific kernel code
Processor-independent kernel code

Memory Map Requirements of Linux Kernel on MSM

Kernel physical memory start address recommended on 2 MB alignment
In file /kernel/arch/arm/kernel/head.S
#if (PHYS_OFFSET & 0x001fffff)
#error "PHYS_OFFSET must be at an even 2MiB boundary!"

PM8058 Voltage Regulator Hardware-to-Software Mapping Guide

Table provides a cross-reference for PM8058 voltage regulator names in hardware and software.
VREGSW IDTypeI-rated (mA)Default Vout (V)Default stateProgrammable range (V)
S0VREG_MSMC1Buck SMPS15001.1On0.375 � 3.050
S1VREG_MSMC2Buck SMPS15001.1On0.375 � 3.050
S2VREG_RF1Buck SMPS15001.35Off0.375 � 3.050
S3VREG_MSMEBuck SMPS15001.8On0.375 � 3.050
S4VREG_RF2Buck SMPS15002.2Off0.375 � 3.050
NCPVREG_NCPCharge pump200-1.8Off-3.050 � -1.800
L0VREG_GP3Linear n LDO1501.2On0.750 � 1.525
L1VREG_GP8Linear n LDO3001.2On0.750 � 1.525
L2VREG_XO_OUT_D0Linear p LDO3002.6On1.500 � 3.050
L3VREG_USIMLinear p LDO1501.8On1.500 � 3.050
L4VREG_TCXOLinear p LDO502.85On1.500 � 3.050
L5VREG_SDCC1Linear p LDO3002.85On1.500 � 3.050
L6VREG_USB_3P3Linear p LDO503.075On3.075
L7VREG_USB_1P8Linear p LDO501.8On1.500 � 3.050
L8VREG_GP7Linear p LDO3002.2Off1.500 � 3.050
L9VREG_GP1Linear p LDO3002.05Off1.500 � 3.050
L10VREG_GP4Linear p LDO3002.6Off1.500 � 3.050
L11VREG_GP2Linear p LDO1502.8Off1.500 � 3.050
L12VREG_GP9Linear p LDO1502.9Off1.500 � 3.050
L13VREG_WLAN1Linear p LDO3002.85Off1.500 � 3.050
L14VREG_RFLinear p LDO3002.85Off1.500 � 3.050
L15VREG_GP6Linear p LDO3002.85Off1.500 � 3.050
L16VREG_GP10Linear p LDO3001.8Off1.500 � 3.050
L17VREG_GP11Linear p LDO1502.2Off1.500 � 3.050
L18VREG_GP12Linear p LDO1502.2Off1.500 � 3.050
L19VREG_WLAN2Linear p LDO1502.5Off1.500 � 3.050
L20VREG_GP13Linear p LDO1501.5Off1.500 � 3.050
L21VREG_GP14Linear n LDO1501.1On0.750 � 1.525
L22VREG_GP15Linear n LDO3001.2Off0.750 � 1.525
L23VREG_GP5Linear n LDO3001.2Off0.750 � 1.525
L24VREG_GP16Linear n LDO1501.3Off0.750 � 1.525
L25VREG_GP17Linear n LDO1501.3Off0.750 � 1.525
LVS0VREG_LVSW0Low voltage switch100-Off-
LVS1VREG_LVSW1Low voltage switch100-Off-