
How to generate the 8660_msimage.mbn

8660_msimage.mbn is released in SW by default, actually, it includes the all the boot images and partition table there. MPRG8660.hex will download this image and reset to mass-storage mode. If customers have different HW settings, such as GPIO/DDR, the default 8660_msimage.mbn may not work for them, so customers need build their own 8660_msimage.mbn by themselves with following ways.

1. Have the QPST 2.7.366 or higher version installed. 
2. Make a local folder, copy sbl1/sbl2/sbl3/rpm/tz images to this folder. 
3. copy the emmcswdownload.exe from C:\Program Files\Qualcomm\QPST\bin to this folder. 
4. Prepare the partition_boot.xml as below and copy the partition_boot.xml to the same folder as above.
  <?xml version="1.0"?>
  <physical_partition number="0">
    <primary order="1" type="4d" bootable="true" label="SBL1" size="1000" readonly="false">
      <file name="sbl1.mbn" offset="0"/>
    <primary order="2" type="51" bootable="false" label="SBL2" size="3000" readonly="false">
      <file name="sbl2.mbn" offset="0"/>
    <primary order="3" type="45" bootable="false" label="SBL3" size="1500" readonly="false">
      <file name="sbl3.mbn" offset="0"/>
    <primary order="4" type="5" bootable="false" label="EXT" size="1000000">
      <extended order="1" type="47" label="RPM" size="1000" readonly="false">
        <file name="rpm.mbn" offset="0"/>
      <extended order="2" type="46" label="TZ" size="1000" readonly="false">
        <file name="tz.mbn" offset="0"/>
5.    Run the emmcswdownload.exe tool to create OEM boot image with a command below. 
   emmcswdownload.exe -f 8660_msimage.mbn -x partition_boot.xml -s 1G -g 4M
6. The 8660_msimage.mbn will be generated in the folder.  


  1. I was stuck in using this method to build an image to restore a hard bricked t989 Galaxy SII. I got QPST2.7 build 374, the driver is loaded and working. I am not sure how to get ODIN download mode restored. Some are selling a JTAG service to fix this type of issue. I think that is a crude method and it requires hardware and disassembly of the device. And my question is about finding the bootloader, and the xml for the building of an image that only needs to restore the bootloader and ODIN download mode. If it all needs to be done at once that would be fine, just having issues finding all the partition files needed. But if I can limit the build to just bootloader, I could ODIN in the rest of the OS and partitions. But I am unsure of the xml parameters for this smaller image build, and unsure QPST would work with loading the image. Any advice would be a big help.

    laser0ride at gmail

    1. I heard Odin3 v3.07 could be use to copy boatloader of normal samsung android phone to sd card.

  2. Is this method changed in newer builds?
    I am trying generate 8974.mbn. But emmcswdownload crashed in build higher 386

  3. when i tried to run emmcswdownload in command prompt it says DNS server not authorise for this zone ...
    so what to do help me pls
