
Diag over UART on qualcomm MDM8200, MDM8220, MDM9200, MDM9600

In modem_proc\build\cust\custsio_XXXX.h, look for
and comment out this line.
Then look for
and uncomment this line; if you don't find it, please add it.
This is to disable RDM_USB_SER1_INIT_SRVC and enable RDM_UART1_INIT_SRVC for DIAG service in RDM.
Obviously, you need to make sure UART being used is available, say for UART1 - FEATURE_USE_UART1DM should be defined.
Recompile the build with these changes. Please do erasenand.cmm to erase flash and then load the re-compiled build.

Alternative way is to route DIAG over UART is to modify rdm_config.csv from EFS directly as below:
1. Open EFS explorer
2. Locate rdm_config.csv file at the root level, and copy rdm_config.csv file from EFS explorer to local host machine.
3. Edit rdm_config.csv file using text editor (make sure that the comma separation between each column is maintained). Current portmapping and default portmapping for a device can be changed by editing "current service" and "default service" column for that device respectively.
- First two columns, Device ID and Device Name should not be modified as its not configurable.
- Service and Device names are exactly same as the symbol names (enum type) defined in rdevmap.h.
- If the string doesn't match with any of the service defined in rdm_service_enum_type (rdevmap.h), then RDM_NULL_SRVC would be used.
Please make sure that devices and services are compatible with each other before making change. If user tries to map a service to a device which is not compatible with that service, then RDM will remove the port mapping from rdm_config.csv file.
NOTE: EFS explorer requires the DIAG connection, so please be careful while re-mapping RDM_DIAG_SRVC to other devices. If the RDM_DIAG_SRVC is not mapped to one of the compatible device, then DIAG will not be functional, and user will loose the access to EFS file system and there will be no way to access rdm_config.csv file.
4. Delete the rdm_config.csv file from EFS explorer, and copy the edited rdm_config.csv file from local host to EFS explorer. (Note: if you try to replace the rdm_config.csv file without deleting it, then make sure that file is successfully copied by refreshing EFS explorer.
5. Restart the phone.

Make sure that the entry 1 and 6 look as follows:
Note: Modify rdm_config.csv using VIM or notepad++ (don't use wordpad or excel) to make sure format is retained.

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