
Summarize QDART, QPST, and QUSB installation on Windows 7

Summarize QDART, QPST, and QUSB installation procedure here. Please follow the steps to install the tools on your Windows 7 PC.

1. Before you start, please make sure you have administrator rights that will allow you to install on the machine.

In Windows7, user CANNOT double click the QDART_xxx.msi to install QDART for now. It must be done with elevated command prompt. Below is the procedure:
a. Disable any anti-virus software to avoid the installation roll-back;
b Copy the latest installation file to local disk, for example C:/temp
c. Run QDART_xxx.msi from an elevated command prompt:
i. Click on Windows 7 start button
ii. Go to All Program->Accessories
iii. Open an Elevated Command Prompt by right on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator from context menu.
iv. Change directory (cd c:/temp) to where QDART_xxx.msi is saved
v. Enter QDART_xxx.msi from the elevated command prompt
d. Running QSPR under Windows 7 (64bit) version
i. Create a junction
1). Download Microsoft junction file from http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspx, save it to C:\temp.
2) Open an Elevated Command Promt by right on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator from context menu..
3). Change directory to C:\temp
5). Type create junction command "junction "c:\program files\qualcomm" "c:\program files (x86)\qualcomm" " from Command prompt
6). For more information on junction, please see http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/sysinternals/bb896768.aspx
ii. Set up compatibility mode for running QSPR and QRCT
1). Open up file explorer
2). Change directory to c:\program files (x86)\qualcomm\qdart\bin
3). Right click on QSPR.exe properties, Set up compatibility mode to "Window XP (SP3)"
4). Right click on QRCT.exe properties, Set up compatibility mode to "Window XP (SP3)"

a. Copy the latest installation file to local disk, for example C:/temp
b. Run Setup.exe as an administrator (right click and select "Run as admin"). Do NOT right click on the .msi file and select "Install".
c. If #b fails, run vcredist_x86.exe as an admin (right click and select "Run as admin") then run the Setup.exe again.
d. If all the above doesn't work, restart the machine and try this sequence again.

a. Copy the latest installation file to local disk, for example C:/temp
b. Run .exe file as an administrator (right click and select "Run as admin").
c. Turning test signing on
i. Open an Elevated Command Promt by right on Command Prompt and select Run as Administrator from context menu.
ii. Change directory to "C:\Windows\system32".
iii. Type in " bcdedit/set testsigning on". The command window should return "The operation completed successfully".
iv. Reboot PC.
d. Install a test certificate in order for Windows 7 to recognize the USB driver
i. Copy the latest certificate from \USB\drivers\TestCertificate to local.
ii. Right click on the .cer file and select "Install Certificate"
iii. Select "Place all certificates in the following store" from Certificate Import Wizard window and then browse to the following Certificate store to select "Trusted Root Certification Authorities".
iv. Repeat ii,iii to select "Trusted Publishers"
e. Update the USB driver for the device
i. Connect the device and open QPST
ii. The device should then be recognizable by QPST
iii. If it didn't recognize the device, open Device Manager, navigate to the following folder to update the driver "C:\QualcommCompositeUSB\Qualcomm\xxxx\Win64\Vista\AMD64\checked" (xxxx is build number)

1 comment:

  1. Where can you download QDART and QUSB ?
