OEM could see 98% sensitivity test failure in GPS 1X RF Development test (CL93-V2244-2) on Low Memory device. The reason is that phone will NOT take SA data due to Low Memory configuration, however, by default the script of 98% sensitivity is using SA data, so it causes failure of this test.
Therefore, if OEM wants to run 98% sensitivity test on Low Memory device, we need to modify 98% sensitivity test script to match with the deepest control plane mode for Low Memory devices. OEM can create GPS 1X SR on software side and we can provide corresponding 98% sensitivity scripts for low memory device. Or OEM can make the below changes (i.e. sensitivity_98.scr)
Pleaset copy script sensitivity_cc_nosa2.scr and rename it as sensitivity_cc_lowmem_98.scr. Open sensitivity_cc_lowmem_98.scr and add 50 more entries as below into script.
RequestItemFile "GPS Session Control Request" sat1D0C0AA.txt
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